Today's Real-time Exchange Rate
5 UGX =
0.01 CNY
Reverse rate: 1 CNY = 500.0000 UGX Update time: 2024-12-23 08:02:32
Today's UGX To CNY exchange rate:
1 UGX is equal to 0.0020 CNY(1 UGX = 0.0020 CNY),So how much CNY can 5 UGX be exchanged for?
We can use the following formula to calculate:
5 UGX * 0.0020 CNY / 1 UGX = 0.01 CNY
So, based on the exchange rate, 5 UGX can be converted to 0.01 CNY.
Attention: This calculation result is for reference only. Please refer to the actual transaction price of the bank for actual exchange.
UGX To CNY calculated
UGX To CNY | CNY To UGX | ||
1 UGX | 0.002 CNY | 1 CNY | 500.0000 UGX |
5 UGX | 0.01 CNY | 5 CNY | 2,500.0000 UGX |
10 UGX | 0.02 CNY | 10 CNY | 5,000.0000 UGX |
25 UGX | 0.05 CNY | 25 CNY | 12,500.0000 UGX |
50 UGX | 0.1 CNY | 50 CNY | 25,000.0000 UGX |
100 UGX | 0.2 CNY | 100 CNY | 50,000.0000 UGX |
500 UGX | 1 CNY | 500 CNY | 250,000.0000 UGX |
1000 UGX | 2 CNY | 1000 CNY | 500,000.0000 UGX |
5000 UGX | 10 CNY | 5000 CNY | 2,500,000.0000 UGX |
10000 UGX | 20 CNY | 10000 CNY | 5,000,000.0000 UGX |
50000 UGX | 100 CNY | 50000 CNY | 25,000,000.0000 UGX |
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Bank of China Foreign Exchange Rates
(For 100 units of foreign currency to RMB,2024.12.24 00:59:42)
Currency Name | Spot | ||
Buying Rate | Selling Rate | Middle Rate | |
AED | 197.38 | 200.16 | 196.69 |
CHF | 808.94 | 815.19 | 807.28 |
DKK | 101.49 | 102.31 | 100.89 |
EUR | 757.23 | 762.78 | 753.15 |
GBP | 911.47 | 918.24 | 907.21 |
HKD | 93.77 | 94.15 | 92.47 |
INR | 8.5859 | ||
JPY | 4.6308 | 4.6666 | 4.6287 |
MOP | 91.03 | 91.45 | 89.73 |
MYR | 162.04 | 163.5 | 160.67 |
NOK | 64 | 64.52 | 63.8 |
NZD | 410.88 | 413.97 | 409.51 |
PHP | 12.35 | 12.59 | 12.46 |
SAR | 192.98 | 195.7 | 192.38 |
SEK | 65.85 | 66.37 | 65.51 |
SGD | 536.07 | 540.1 | 533.09 |
TRY | 19.28 | 22.18 | 20.57 |
TWD | 22.39 | ||
USD | 728.71 | 731.78 | 718.7 |
ZAR | 39.15 | 39.6 | 39.4 |